Ready Player One Poster Review


Ready Player One launched a poster campaign right before the film came out that played on the nostalgia of older franchises. They basically copied poster designs of these old franchises and then super imposed the Ready Player One characters into the posters. Movie posters that they used were The Goonies, Bullitt, Risky Business, Labyrinth, The Matrix, The Lost Boys, The Breakfast Club, The Iron Giant, Rambo, and many more.

These posters were mocked upon release because the craftsmanship was really poor. I tend to agree with critiques here because the characters clashed with the environments in the posters. I think a big issue with these posters is that they were redesigning them with a CGI video game character rather than a real person. Since they were using a CGI character it would look inherently fake since CGI is a fake visual effect. I think if they used an actor then it would have looked a lot better and less weird.

I think that they really missed the mark with the poster than they actually picked because a lot of them do not fit in with the genre that Ready Player One is a part of. Ready Player One is a fantasy young adult adventure movie that revolves around video games. Movies like Rambo, Breakfast Club, Risky Business, and Bullitt do not really hit that target audience that they are going for. Breakfast Club hits the young adult genre but it is about 33 years old now so the kids that watched it are grown up now. They would not have had many video games as kids so this audience will more than likely not see Ready Player One. Risky Business is another old movie that does not hit the correct audience because it does not fit with the genre. The Matrix was a smart poster to redesign because it deals with the same subject matter as Ready Player One.

The best poster has to be The Iron Giant copy poster because the edits made were really limited. They only changed a tiny image of the boy into the main character for Ready Player One. They matched the title well with original and really did a good job. They nailed the glow of the robot’s eyes onto the boy. I think over all Ready Player One missed the mark with this campaign but there were a few good posters.

This article has all of the posters that Ready Player One released:
